We never charge for the initial consultation and would be happy to discuss how WE can help YOU.  To arrange your Free personal consultation call our office at 419-229-9800, Monday through Friday 9:00 am until 5:00 pm. 


Deciding whether or not to file for bankruptcy requires a lot of thought on your behalf; however, your thoughts may be skewed by worries about past-due bills and the unsettling threats of angry creditors. When it comes to making a decision it is important to have a bankruptcy lawyer on your side.

In addition to helping you learn more about the specific details that entail the process, a local bankruptcy lawyer can help you balance your emotional considerations by providing a calm, educated and rational perspective.




If it seems like the bankruptcy process is more complicated than ever, that's because it is. New laws passed by Congress have seen to that. But don't worry, because Jacobs Law Offices can help sort out your bankruptcy problems.

Jacobs Law Offices has services to help anyone with bankruptcy needs. New bankruptcy reforms enacted in 2005 have increased all of our burdens, changing the requirements for bankruptcy filers and demanding more detailed research and documentation of bankruptcy attorneys.

Let Jacobs Law Offices lead you as you fulfill your bankruptcy obligations, whatever they may be. For efficient, inexpensive help, Jacobs Law Offices is the bankruptcy solution source for you.



Are creditors and collection notices overwhelming you?

Is the bank threatening to foreclose on your home?



Most people don’t realize that Bankruptcy was enacted by Congress to give those in debt a fresh start. If you are overwhelmed with debt and are thinking about bankruptcy to eliminate hospital bills, discharge credit card debts, save your home from foreclosure or your car from being repossessed we can help.

In the past several years the entire bankruptcy system has changed.  New laws have been enacted to protect you and to ensure that the system is not abused.  In most cases you will be able to seek the relief of the federal bankruptcy court and still keep your house, your car, your retirement and your personal possessions

At Jacobs Law Office,LLC  we take the extra time to personally help each individual through what can seem like a hopelessly overwhelming time in their lives.  We understand that when you make the decision to discuss your options under federal bankruptcy law with an attorney you already feel alone, overwhelmed and out numbered. 


YOU ARE NOT ALONE…..Our experienced attorneys and friendly staff will be there every step of the way. We have the knowledge to guide you through the maze of laws and procedures in the Federal Bankruptcy Court.



If you have decided to file bankruptcy you'll first need to obtain a credit counseling briefing from a certified credit counseling agency.

What is the credit counseling briefing? The credit counseling briefing is basically a primer on basic financial management, budget analysis and debt management strategies. In addition to hitting on these points, the credit counseling briefing addresses bankruptcy alternatives.

You should be aware that your bankruptcy petition may be dismissed if you fail to complete a certified credit counseling briefing. If you have any questions about the credit counseling briefing, be sure to discuss this with your Attorney, who can provide even more insight and tips on satisfying this prerequisite.


Filing Bankruptcy under Chapter 7 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code


People generally file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy to discharge credit card debts and other unsecured debts. So what happens when one files for bankruptcy under Chapter 7 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code?

After obtaining your credit counseling certificate, you'll need to provide your bankruptcy lawyer with all information on your assets, income, expenses and debts. Your bankruptcy lawyer will use this information to prepare your Chapter 7 bankruptcy petition, which will be filed in a local bankruptcy court.

Upon your bankruptcy filing, the court will appoint a bankruptcy trustee who will enter an order for an automatic stay, which essentially stops all collection actions against you during your Chapter 7 bankruptcy case.

Six weeks after filing, you'll need to attend a meeting of creditors and testify to the accuracy of the information in your bankruptcy petition. Generally, Chapter 7 bankruptcy cases are very quick. Many people receive their discharge six months after filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy.

For more information about Chapter 7 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code, check out the following resources:


Before Obtaining a Discharge - Debtor Education


Under the new bankruptcy law, you must complete a debtor education course after bankruptcy but before being able to receive your discharge. This applies regardless of whether you're filing bankruptcy under Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code.

As its name implies, the debtor education course serves as an educational tool for you to plan your financial future and learn some important lessons like establishing a healthy relationship with credit.

Please download and print the forms below, and complete as much information as possible prior to your Appointment This packet has been designed to help you acquire all of the information I will need to prepare "Your Bankruptcy Petition".  I realize that in most cases filing bankruptcy is a very urgent matter, therefore the more thoroughly you can complete this information and return it to me, the faster I can complete and file your petition. 

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